Setting the benchmark for the renewable energy industry – Highlights of LATAM’s Innovation Hub for the New Energy World

Free Webinar

Thursday, July 25, 2024 I 11:00am BRT / 4:00pm CET I Webinar Language: English

Brazil can claim to be a beacon in renewable energy. In 2023, 93.1% of Brazil’s electricity came from renewable energy, with solar energy as the second largest source after hydropower with 37.2 GW or 16.5%. Of that, decentralized solar energy accounted for 70%, while centralized solar energy accounted for 30%.

The smarter E South America 2024 Conferences Intersolar, ees, Power2Drive and Eletrotec+EM-Power, aim to set the benchmark for the renewable energy industry. They address market development, technical and regulatory challenges and opportunities, and feature expert presentations on a variety of topics including solar energy, grid infrastructure, energy storage, green hydrogen and electric mobility.

In this webinar, as well as at this year's The smarter E South America Conference, we will explore and discuss the latest technology and market trends for the emerging Brazilian energy sectors. We will familiarize you with the main applications, discuss technology trends, business opportunities in these sectors.

The recording and the speakers' presentations are available here .

Our Guests

Dr. Rodrigo Sauaia, CEO, ABSOLAR

Rodrigo Lopes Sauaia is co-founder and CEO of ABSOLAR (Brazilian Solar Photovoltaic Energy Association), the national association representing Brazilian solar PV companies and professionals. He is co-founder and a governing board member of the GSC (Global Solar Council), a non-profit body representing regional and national solar associations on international issues.
Rodrigo holds a PhD in Materials Engineering and Technology from PUC-RS (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul), a Master's degree in Renewable Energies from Loughborough University (UK), a bachelor's degree in Chemistry from USP (São Paulo University), and has collaborated with the Fraunhofer Institut für Solare Energiesysteme (Germany) and with ETH Zürich (Switzerland).

Celso L. P. Mendes, Senior Advisor, Aranda Editora /Aranda Eventos

Senior Advisor for the Intersolar South America Conference, Aranda Editora and Aranda Eventos. Executive in the electrical industry for 30+ years, was Managing Director of Klockner Moeller (currently Eaton), of Flender Brasil (currently Siemens), and Siemens General Manager for Industrial Power Switchgear. Former Board Member of the Brazil-Germany Chamber of Industry and Commerce, São Paulo. Life Senior Member of IEEE and Senior Member of VDE - German Association for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technology.

Sergio de Oliveira Jacobsen, CEO, Micropower Energy

Since November 2022, Sergio Jacobsen is the CEO of Micropower Energy, a company of the Comerc Energia, Siemens and Equinor Groups, which operates in the segment of energy storage solutions, whose mission is to bring solutions capable of contributing to the Brazilian energy transition towards a more sustainable model for the economy, the environment and society. Previously, he worked for 22 years at Siemens. In the organization, Sergio held the positions of Sales Manager, Smart Grid Manager and Director until he became Vice President of Siemens Smart Insfrastructure. With a degree in Electrical Engineering from Mackenzie University, and specializations in Management and Business Administration, Sergio joined Micropower at a time of transformation in the electrical sector, which demands modernization and adaptation to new digital solutions for the evolution of business with a focus on smart grids that allow the addition of more and more renewable energy sources in Brazil and worldwide.

Your Host

Dr. Florian Wessendorf, Managing Director, Solar Promotion International GmbH

Dr. Florian Wessendorf is Managing Director of Solar Promotion GmbH and Solar Promotion International GmbH. He is responsible for the global conference program and exhibitions in North America, South America and India. He has deep expertise in the solar industry, and formerly served as Managing Director of Photovoltaic Equipment at VDMA, where he was responsible for strategic development, market research and technology scouting, advocacy and policy advice, events, PR and marketing.

Further Content
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