The smarter E South America Conference Committees

Intersolar South America Conference Committee

Committee Chairman

Dr. Rodrigo Lopes Sauaia

Global Solar Council

Scientific Chairman of the Committee

Dr. Aline Kirsten Vidal de Oliveira

ABENS, Brazil

Committee Members

Ricardo Barros

Country Manager Brazil
Lightsource bp, Brazil

Nelson Falcão

Senior Sales Director
NexTracker, Brazil

Prof. Dr. Leandro Michels

Associate Professor
Federal University of Santa Maria

Daniel Pansarella

Country Manager Brasil
Trina Solar, Brazil

Camila Ramos

CELA – Clean Energy Latin America, Brazil

Bárbara Rubim

Bright Strategies, Brazil

Prof. Dr. Ricardo Rüther

Vice President
ISES - International Solar Energy Society

Marcio Takata

Greener, Brazil

Marcio Trannin

Managing Director South America
SunCo Capital, Brazil

Gustavo Vajda

General Manager Latin America
Recurrent Energy, Brazil

David Wedepohl

Managing Director International Affairs
German Solar Industry Association

Senior Conference Advisor

Celso L P Mendes

Senior Conference Advisor
Aranda Editora

ees South America Conference Committee

Committee Chairman

Markus Vlasits

President of the Advisory Board,
Associação Brasileira de Soluções de Armazenamento de Energia (ABSAE)

NewCharge, Brazil

Committee Members

Dr. Frank Dinter

Executive Director, Fraunhofer Chile
Chairman of the Board, Chilean Solar Concentration Power Association (ACSP)
Principal Researcher in Energy Storage, Chilean Solar Energy Research Center (SERC Chile)

Mariana Galhardo

Senior Partner responsible for Institutional Relations and New Business
G2A Consultores, Brazil

Samir Moura

Associate General Manager
Canadian Solar, Brazil

Maria Gabriella Reigada

Sec Power

Marcelo Rodrigues

Vice President New Business & Solutions
UCB Power, Brazil

Maríana Sinício

Economist and Government Affairs Consultant
Brazilian Association for Energy Storage Solutions (ABSAE)

Dr. Matthias Vetter

Energy Storage Chief Expert
Huawei Nuremberg Research Center, Germany

Power2Drive South America Conference Committee

Conference Advisor Power2Drive South America

Rafael Cunha


Eletrotec+EM-Power South America Conference Committee

Senior Conference Advisor Eletrotec+EM-Power South America

Celso L. P. Mendes

Aranda Eventos & Congressos Ltda, Brazil

João Gilberto Cunha

Mi Omega

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