Puzant Baliozian

Job Title
Sector Group Leader / Consultant
VDMA - German Engineering Federation

Dr. Puzant Baliozian is the current sector leader of VDMA PV Equipment Group. In this position, Dr. Baliozian conducts techno-economic studies on PV manufacturing capacity across the value chain and advocates for the interests of European PV equipment manufacturers on a global scale. Additionally, the PV Sector Group at VDMA publishes the International Technology Roadmap for Photovoltaics (ITRPV) annually, providing vital insights into technology projections and trends.

Dr. Baliozian completed his undergraduate studies in physics and later worked at the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE) in Freiburg, focusing on photovoltaic production technologies, where he earned his Ph.D in engineering. During his years in R&D, he gained recognition for developing passivated edge technology for advanced industrial solar cell concepts.

August 29, 2024Welcome and Introduction

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